Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quote of the Week

“Abundance is, in large part, an attitude.” Sue Patton

What an excellent statement of truth. I’ve come across many who claim to believe that their thoughts create their realities, but for some reason they seem to think the idea has limitations. As if our thoughts only create certain parts of our realities, but then we have to look to the outside world for the rest. There are some things that are just so far outside the realm of possibility for some of us that we often block ourselves off from what we are wanting. We delve to deep into what’s happening now, as if that’s the only “truth” that’s “real.” People often focus on what is, because they find it too hard to separate themselves from what is and move their focus to what they want. I’m not saying this process is easy, it often takes a lot of work to build a bridge from a belief that says I can’t have, to a belief that says I can have, to a belief that even says I deserve to have.

Our attitude or belief about something determines the outcome regarding that something (like that don’t you *wink*). This applies in every aspect of our lives including our wealth. And to me wealth isn’t just how much money I currently have at my disposal, but more so a quality of life. To have true wealth, I have an abundance of all the things I desire. I have an abundance of good health, love to share, love being shared with me by others, exciting and wonderful experiences and of course money. What good is money if I don’t have any one to share my life with, or time to spend it? Your flow of money may appear abundant, but your life really isn’t truly filled with abundance if you are finding your life lacking in many areas, is it? How can one say they have abundance if they are feeling as if they are lacking.

In order to have true abundance, we must reach for thoughts that cause our lives to be filled, with all that we love and desire. We must learn to center our focus on ideas and principles that allow us to feel good, relaxed and relieved that all is well. To feel abundant is to choose to have a good attitude about where we are now and where we are headed. To feel abundant is to live life on purpose, intentionally choosing what we want, so that we feel good about it. Abundance is to be filled with joy so that no matter what, we always feel hopeful in that we can have whatever we want, whenever we want. To reach for a positive attitude is to reach for an experience filled with abundance.

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