Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quote of the Week

"He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have."

"Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings." Author Unknown

I usually only do one quote at a time but these were right on time.  They tie in together so perfectly. The first (to me) states that if we can’t appreciate what we have now, then how will we ever be able to appreciate the things we desire. A lot of us want so many things because we are unhappy with what we have… but as a lot of us know we only attract what we are consistently thinking about, always. We are always in our now, no matter how much we think about or pasts or futures. Our feelings, emotions and thoughts are telling us what we are currently attracting, so why not work to make every thought and every moment better.  If we have a feeling of discontentment about our current lives then all we are going to attract is further discontentment. Have you ever seen miserable people who are rich or seem to have it all or poor people who seem to be perfectly happy and enjoying life? There’s something about that and it’s called appreciation. The universe can always tell when we are genuinely appreciative of what we have and so can we, by the quality of life we appear to be living. Since life is always occurring right now, we can never live in the past or future, why not try our best to make the most of right now and appreciate what we already have?

So, the next quote helps us right along with that whole concept. We all have experiences we wish we could have avoided or that we feel have affected us in a negative way. Question, was it the experience that made us feel bad or did we feel bad first, which then caused us to attract the so-called negative experience? Everything about life is in how we perceive it. If we view something as negative then we feel bad, if we view it as positive then we feel good. So, what if we worked to view the so-called bad things in a more positive, beneficial matter.  What if we stopped stressing over the outside forces we can’t control and work to just do our part in creating a more positive and successful future and present? What if we did find a way to be thankful for our troubles, acknowledge how we’ve grown from them and accept them as the blessings and life lessons they really are. From experience, I can honestly say that my life feels amazingly better when I am working to be positive instead of negative. They both take work so I’ve decided to aim as much of my energy into being positive even when things initially appear to be negative.

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