Friday, February 3, 2012

Act My Age?

Well what if I don’t wanna?!

Inspired by a message posted by The Daily Buddha. Without a doubt this page has some of the most insightful posts I have been fortunate enough to observe. You can check them out here

Anyway, at the end of a particular message shared regarding age, the author asked the question, “If you did not know how old you are then how old would you act?”

I totally love this question! I often tell people that I feel as if I stopped aging around 16 ish, because for the most part I still feel like that youthful, excited about life person that I used to be. I don’t believe in waiting for a specific age to make major or minor changes in my life. If I need a change, I start it that moment, with my thoughts and let the rest play out as it will/should. I don’t believe that I have to stop enjoying something, because I am now too old, or that I should force myself to enjoy things, because it’s what “people my age” do. Forget it! My communication with source is just as intact now, as it was when I was born and there’s no need to allow worldly opinions of other people’s expectations dictate how I should behave. If I’ve been enjoying something or want to enjoy something new, why should the numbers of my age dictate whether or not I have the right to the experience?

Recently, I had my golden birthday. I turned 29 and it was THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! And not one time did it cross my mind, in a big, bad scary way, that I am one step closer to the big three zero. I am not afraid of turning 30. I am able to embrace that I will have just completed another fantastic decade of my wonderful life and will be looking forward to many more. In fact, I am looking forward to 30, because I KNOW it’s going to be completely AWESOME! Every day I vow, again and again, that I WILL live my life to the fullest. See I believe that the age thing is so important (and often scary) to most because the majority of people tend to base important milestones on age. “Oh, I should be married by X age, and have my first kid by X age, and if I don’t I’ll sit on the shelf forever and ever and ever…” BUT, what if we didn’t torture ourselves in such stressful manner? If we took life one day at a time, and enjoyed every moment as it came, would we have time to be terrified about sitting on that proverbial shelf, or would we be having such a BLAST that it would never have time to enter our minds?

Bottom line… All we have is right now and really in the grand scheme of things, right now is what really matters. If you were to transition from this body today, would you be leaving behind a ton of shoulda coulda woulda, or would you pass on with a smile knowing that every moment was lived to the fullest? Right now is all we have, and there is no point in life more powerful than this moment. So why not live it up… RIGHT NOW?! And tell anyone who says your age should stop you, that they are not the boss of YOU! 

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