Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spirituality VS Materialism and Sexuality

I’ve got an uncommon viewpoint (well so far from the things I’ve seen) regarding material possessions and sexuality in relation to spirituality. Now over the course of my life, I’ve seen over and over from those who are knee deep in some religions (not trying to start a war just telling what I’ve seen) and those who consider themselves to be just “spiritual” (whatever that may mean to you). I’ve seen an overwhelming rush of ideas that all express that in order to be spiritual you have to be above desiring material possessions and ignore or avoid being interested in sex. But my question is, why?

So here’s a little background on my POV regarding these subjects and if you don’t agree…well that’s fine with me. Anyway, from a huge portion of what I’ve seen and read I believe that a lot of beliefs will agree that we are spiritual beings housed in physical bodies. Check. Also a lot of us believe that when we come here we in some ways lose touch with that spiritual part of ourselves and often have to work to get back in touch with that inner part of ourselves. Check. Some of us also believe that the spirit or nonphysical part of us communicates with us in one way or another (your mileage may vary on the technique you believe is used for this communication). However a tremendous amount of people also believe that we are supposed to spend our entire life times going back to being strictly spiritual beings, while still on earth and forgo our earthy desires of physical intimacy and desire for material possessions. Again, I want to ask, why?

Here’s just something that came to me when I was doing a bit of reasoning after a session of reading. If we came here to experience living in physical bodies, why are we supposed to forgo all the pleasures of living in a physical world? Clearly we can’t do it in nonphysical form or why would we need these bodies? So if our souls truly want to experience life in the physical realm why are we cheating ourselves of these experiences? Our souls/inner beings/source (whatever you want to call it) provide guidance that lets us know if the experiences we are having are for our highest good or not, why do we impose additional constraints on this already perfect guidance? I mean this guidance is from the source, it is divine and can never be “wrong.”

I believe that most of us are sensitive enough to realize when we are receiving our divine guidance so when we receive it we should pay attention, as it will never lead us in the wrong direction or a direction that would cause us harm. So if our guidance is telling us that an experience is going to be good, but we ignore it, why is that considered righteous? How is ignoring or going against something that feels natural and right down deep in your gut a good thing?  On the other hand why are we considered to be irresponsible, wrong, selfish (etc) if we decide to go with what feels natural and right? I don’t think it’s unspiritual to have and enjoy sex or material possessions, just as I don’t think it’s spiritual to ignore what comes natural. I believe that we know what feels right and what feels wrong and it’s a truly spiritual person that can interpret that guidance for themselves and except themselves as they are and follow the path of their desires to a fulfilling and happy life, whatever it may be for each individual person. Just a little something to think about.


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