Friday, July 6, 2012

Frustration With the Process

Taking responsibility for our lives, our destinies, seems so much easier said than done. We get a lot of guidance from different sources (books, movies, spiritual gatherings, etc), but really they are all saying the same things. Our thoughts (based upon core beliefs) control our realities and it is up to us to live on purpose. So many of us are used to living by default. Life comes at us and then we react often without thinking. We live the same experiences over and over and wonder why, often not stopping to think that the one constant in our entire lives is US!

Even deeper, so many of us actually believe we are being deliberate in our thoughts and actions. The majority of people insist that they are positive thinkers… when they actually are not. I know, because I used to be one of them, and still tend to fall into the trap when I’m not careful. I insisted to the universe (and anyone else who’d listen) that even though I was doing everything “right” I still wasn’t being rewarded for all of my positive ideas and viewpoints. The saddest thing about this was that I was more often than naught, living life from a negative point of view.

I often would tell the unlimited universe what I wanted, but then put conditions on how it should appear, because, what… I knew better than the all-knowing  source of existence? When it came down to it, if I couldn’t see how something was going to come into existence, then I couldn’t believe it was attainable. Doesn’t sound so positive does it? Asking the universe for what I wanted, but then consistently dwelling or spending most of my attention on what made me feel bad about my current life situations, really wasn’t helping me. I would say, “Universe please send me more abundance.” Then I would spend a good portion of time focused on my belief that I didn’t have enough to comfortably sustain myself and even worse, trying (from my limited viewpoint) to figure out how I could get more, instead of trusting in the universe to bring me the means to get whatever I needed. I learned the hard way, that asking for something, then spending all my time pondering what I didn’t have was in no way, shape or form positive thinking.

The bottom line is, if we continue to reinforce the same negative limited beliefs, with the same negative limited thoughts, then we will continue to receive the same negative limited manifestations. This is true no matter how many different mates we leave or find, how many different jobs we leave or find, how many different friendships we leave or find, etc. The energy we put out into the universe is what we will receive, always, every, single time. So let’s do ourselves a favor and be honest about how we’re feeling and what we’re thinking and what we believe. It’s okay to admit that we are not perfect and that we have fears, concerns, issues, things about ourselves we don’t like, things about others we don’t like, etc. All of that is really OK, because we are where we are regardless of how we feel about it. But if we can acknowledge, openly and truthfully, where we are in relation to where we want to be, we can begin the process of acceptance and growth. No one said that just because we accept who and where we are, that we have to remain there if we don’t want to. Thinking positively isn’t something we just talk about or wish about. It takes time to become negative thinkers and it will take time to become positive thinkers and if we are patient and loving with ourselves growth is bound to happen. It takes just as much effort to be negative as it does to be positive, so why not choose the path that leads toward happiness?       


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