Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Quote of the Week

“Trust that still, small voice that says, ‘This might work and I’ll try it.’” Diane Mariechild

The operative word here is TRUST! So many of us know the principles, we spout the ideals as if they are a part of our lifeline. We understand, and it makes since to us, that our thoughts create our realities. And we even recognize the source from within that provides our divine guidance. Really and truly, how many of us actually TRUST in that voice, no matter how crazy the guidance may seem to our “logical” thinking patterns? How many of us are willing to put it all on the line and go for broke, when that genius, but seemingly insane idea comes to us, that inspiration that will take us in directions we never dreamed of? Let’s stop putting off for tomorrow, the things we KNOW we are capable of today. The source, from within will only, ever lead us down paths that are for our highest good. Our job is to believe in it and trust enough to actually ACT!  

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